Building up the first grand underground cellar in Aisa

Date:2014-01-21 From:管理员 Print Font size:LargeMediumSmall

    In order to make high-quality wine, Zhang Bishi decided to build an underground cellar and asked Zhang Chengqing, Changyu’s first General Manager to supervise the project. As the construction site was less than 100 meters away from the sea shore, and the soil was sandy, the cellar collapsed soon after the construction started due to water seepage. Then the cellar was rebuilt with steel-beam arcades and iron-brick walls, which, unable to stand the humid environment, led to the destruction of the cellar again in a flood in May 1903. Despite of the failure, Zhang Chengqing didn’t fluster. He drew on collective wisdom and decided upon a method combining Chinese and western technologies. For the arch ceiling of the cellar, large black bricks, made by traditional Chinese process, were used; the walls were built with large bluestones of more than one ton each; and the gaps in between the large stones were filled with brickbats and gravels. Cement, a novel imported goods at that time, was utilized to plaster the seams and the surface of the wall so that the walls were extremely solid and smooth. After an 11-year construction, the grand underground cellar was finally completed in 1905, building upon both the Chinese and western intelligence.