Weng Tung-ho

Date:2014-03-03 From: Print Font size:LargeMediumSmall

Weng Tung-ho inscribed company name for Changyu

    When Changyu was newly established, people at the time did not know much about imported wine, and it was not easy to open market. Cheong Fatt Tze, with skilled way of doing business, knew the company needed a high-ranking official with reputation in the court to inscribe to increase the prestige. The man should not only have a high ranking position, but also has perfect calligraphy attainments. But after examination of all imperial princes and court ministers, it was hard to find the right person. At that time, Weng Tung-ho, the teacher of emperor Guangxu, gained a widespread reputation, and had good quality and learning as well as calligraphy. He is one of “Masters” on calligraphy in the eye of the collectors. Some one suggested to invite Weng Tung-ho to inscribe company name for Changyu, on hearing that, Cheong Fatt Tze was overjoyed, and shouted “God knows my intention.” But on second thought, he remembered that Weng Tung-ho and Li Hung-Chang had family feud because Li Hung-Chang had impeached Weng Tongshu, Weng Tung-ho’s brother, therefore he became worried. After pondering repeatedly, Cheong Fatt Tze decided to call at Weng Tung-ho’s house. 

    Although Weng Tung-ho had family feud with Li Hung-Chang, he had a pleasant and bright personality, and also appreciated the strategy of rejuvenating the country by industry of Cheong Fatt Tze, so he would like to send him a personal favor. He wrote characters of “Changyu wine making company” at one stretch, with vigorous brushes and graceful styles. Even though calligraphy of Weng Tung-ho was worth a large sum of money, only silver 50 liang was paid symbolically for each characters. These characters have become a gold-lettered signboard of Changyu,and also precious cultural wealth of Changyu.