Sun Yat-sen

Date:2014-03-03 From: Print Font size:LargeMediumSmall

Sun Yat-sen visited Changyu twice


"Mr. Zhang made such achievements single-handedly, therefore it can be regarded as a progress of China's manufacturing industry." —— By Sun Yat-sen

On August 22, 1912, Shen Newspaper published a telegraph: Sun Yat-sen arrived in Yantai at the night of 20th,~~~ and ~~~enter the port on the next morning,~~~ and ~~~representatives from all walks of life welcomed him on Ship Anping. He landed at 10 am,~~~ and ~~~Tung Meng Hui had a welcome meeting.” This telegraph with only about 30 characters did not cause special attention from people at that time, but in the eyes of Changyu staves, it had special meanings.

Invited by Yuan Shih-kai for meetings in Beijing, Sun Yat-sen went to north by the sea from Shanghai,~~~ and ~~~stayed for short time by way of Yantai,~~~ and ~~~took a rest.

At the welcome meeting of all circles in Yantai, Sun Yat-sen made a brief speech, in which he praised Changyu~~~ like ~~~this: “China's business failures appear not only in the port of Yantai, but all trading ports, because we lost economic rights everywhere. Therefore, in order to boost commercial prosperity, it is necessary to begin from manufacturing industry, such as Changyu Company inYantai. Changyu has set a big winery for wine making,~~~ and ~~~its industry is not second to large companies in France,~~~ and ~~~it will be profitable in the future,~~~ and ~~~it is the same with the glass company. Mr. Zhang made such achievements single-handedly,~~~ and ~~~therefore it can be regarded as a progress of China's manufacturing industry."

After the welcome party, surrounded by people from all circles, Mr. Sun Yat-sen visited Changyu Company,~~~ and ~~~he tasted the vintage wine~~~ and ~~~brandy in wine cellar with interest,~~~ and ~~~praised by nodding again~~~ and ~~~again.

In front of the comment desk of office building, Zhang Chengqing, the general manager of Changyu Company, has already arranged staves to prepare pen~~~ and ~~~ink,~~~ and ~~~cut Chinese art paper into a banner, waiting for Sun Yat-sen to inscribe. Mr Sun Yat-sen thought for a second after he lifted the pen,~~~ and ~~~then wrote four characters in vigorous~~~ and ~~~powerful regular~~~ script ~~~ “Pin Zhong Li Quan”. Then he inscribed with a small pen “inscribed for Changyu company”,~~~ and ~~~“Sun Yat-sen” below it. The entourages passed him the seal,~~~ and ~~~Mr. Sun Yat-sen, dipped it in scarlet inkpad~~~ and ~~~stamped it right below his name “Sun Yat-sen”. This is the only calligraphy of Sun Yat-sen for Chinese enterprises,~~~ and ~~~the original inscription has been donated by Changyu Company to Yantai Museum in 1978,~~~ and ~~~now it is the national first-class culture relics.

There are pictures of the inscription of “Pin Zhong Li Quan” recorded in Contemporary Chinese History in current history textbook of senior high school in China (Section 3, Chapter Two, Volume one The generation of Chinese capitalism). The pictures are noted that: overseas Chinese industrialists Cheong Fatt Tze founded Changyu wine company in Yantai with sole proprietorship,~~~ and ~~~Sun Yat-sen once inscribed for the domestic enterprise. 

“Li Quan” in “Pin Zhong Li Quan” comes from “dewdrop from the sky~~~ and ~~~sweet spring from the earth” in The Book of Rites, while “Pin Zhong” has double meanings, for one thing, he praised the quality of Changyu wine, for another, he honored the character of Cheong Fatt Tze, the founder of Changyu. 

In fact, Mr Sun Yat-sen once paid a secret visit to Changyu, which was almost unknown. According to reminiscence of daughter-in-law of Zhang Chengqing, she heard from her family many times that, before the Revolution of 1911, Sun Yat-sen once appeared mysteriously in the yard of Zhang, dressed shabbily. While Zhang Chengqing, kept away from all relatives,~~~ and ~~~talked with Mr. Sun Yat-sen secretly for the whole afternoon,~~~ and ~~~Sun Yat-sen left quietly until it got dark. Afterwards Zhang Chengqing repeatedly asked his family not to leak any information.

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According to Seventy Years of Late Qing Dynasty by Mr. Tang Degang, Mr. Sun Yat-sen was under the support of Zhigong Party of North America at that time,~~~ and ~~~he was organizing “agency for raising funds”,~~~ and ~~~delivered speeches everywhere to raise soldier's pay~~~ and ~~~provisions. But according to some private records, Sun Yat-sen led a hard life, which happens to correspond with the reminiscence.

When he was in Southeast Asia, Cheong Fatt Tze had made huge financial support to Sun Yat-sen’s revolution,~~~ and ~~~his son Zhang Zhijun was member of Tung Meng Hui. Connecting the information, we will have a better understanding. The relationship between Mr. Sun Yat-sen~~~ and ~~~Changyu had been quite close before this,~~~ and ~~~the inscription was clearly not out of civilities, there was some old relationship between them just~~~ like ~~~aging wine.