Chang Hsueh-Liang

Date:2014-03-03 From: Print Font size:LargeMediumSmall

General Chang Hsueh-Liang inscribed “Gui Dun Yi Mou”

 In 1932, Changyu Company held the 40th celebration, and General Chang Hsueh-Liang inscribed “Gui Dun Yi Mou” for Changyu.

“Gui Dun” refers to Bai Gui and Yi Dun, merchant princes in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period. History of the Han Dynasty said Bai Gui was “originator of businessmen”, and Ten Crimes of Qin recorded “(someone) has talents like Zhong N and Mo Zhai, and wealth like Tao Zhu and Yi Dun”. “Yi Mou” comes from “Considering about the descendents” in The Book of Songs, later “Yi Mou” refers to the teaching of ancestors to children. ”Gui Dun Yi Mou” means he hoped that Changyu will inherit the business strategy of Cheong Fatt Tze, and have good business like Bai Gui andYi Dun.

  After 64 years, Changyu Company presented politely two bottle of wine for offering birthday congratulations to the 96 years birthday of General Chang Hsueh-Liang in 1996. One bottle is in the shape of a barrel, andanother one of a gourd. There are words of “celebrating the 96th birthday of General Chang Hsueh-Liang” on the wine bottles. The company entrusted He Jicheng, president of Northeastern University, and Yang Peizhen, Vice president who went to Hawaii for celebrating the birthday of the former president, to bring them to General Chang Hsueh-Liang (After Huanggutun Incident, Chang Hsueh-Liang became the president of Northeastern University). On the night of June 1, He Jicheng and Yang Peizhen came to Hawaii Hilton Hotel with the wine, to attend the birthday party of the former president. According to records in “Three visits to the former president : the two presidents firstly told Zhang Lvheng (nephew of Chang Hsueh-Liang,and daughter of Zhang Xuesen, the fifth brother of Chang Hsueh-Liang) about the wine, who was quite pleased. During the party, Zhang Lvheng and two presidents came to Chang Hsueh-Liang. Mrs. Zhang told Chang Hsueh-Liang, “elder uncle, presidents of Northeastern University came to bring you wine.” On hearing that, Chang Hsueh-Liang turned around to them. Mr. He went forward talking to Chang Hsueh-Liang, “You went to Changyu Company in Yantai, Shandong in 1932, and inscribed for them, the manager andall staves missed you very much. They heard that we will come to your birthday party, so they specially make two bottle of wine for you.” Chang Hsueh-Liang took over the wine, and looked at it carefully with interest. Zhao Yidi also turned and came here. When being asked for inscription, Chang Hsueh-Liang said, “Currently I can not write quite well, and I have written these words in the past, you can collect them together.” Later, Tao Pengfei, his oldest son-in-law, collected the characters of “Changyu Company” written by Chang Hsueh-Liang in the past. Chang Hsueh-Liang was satisfied with it, and signed his name. 

  I have deep affection for the hometown! I have strong love for wine from my hometown!