Mao Zedong

Date:2014-03-03 From: Print Font size:LargeMediumSmall

hairman Mao’s instructions on Changyu Company 

    At the end of 1948, Yantai received its liberation for the second time, and the people's government officially took over Changyu. Changyu Company started production formally on May 1, 1949. In order to resume production, the people's governments at various levels offered strong support from various aspects to Changyu. In March 1956, Changyu Company reported to Chairman Mao on “Yantai Changyu wine company production status report”, which led to the deeper thought on wine industry of Chairman Mao. On a report meeting about food industry, Chairman Mao made instructions to Changyu as well as Chinese wine industry, “Strive to develop the production of grape and wine, and bring more wine for the people.” The instruction led to vigorous development of new China's wine industry.