
Date:2014-03-03 From: Print Font size:LargeMediumSmall

Investment guru Rogers was optimistic about Changyu

    As the world famous “investment knight”, Rogers has had close relationship with Changyu as early as more than a decade ago. On April 8, 2009, while accepting the interview of stock channel of Sohu on the launch ceremony for “The Crystal Ball: Jim Rogers~~~ and ~~~His Investment Prediction”, Rogers revealed: “As to the most successful Chinese stocks I have invested, I believe everybody already knows, that is, the stock of Changyu, which I have held for more than 10 years. The stock had good performance, andfrom the perspective of return of investment and the percentage of the rise of stock price, this stock should be the best one.”

    Because of holding Changyu B shares, the wine Rogers often drinks is Changyu. Gong Lichao, senior researcher of “Sirius 50” who won the auction of qualification of “having dinner with Rogers” in 2007, once disclosed in the TV program “Fortune China”: He said he would drink Changyu the moment we entered the restaurant, and I asked him why Changyu, he said that he bought the stock of Changyu as soon as it was launched. As the shareholder of Changyu, certainly he should drink Changyu, so finally we drink red wine of Changyu…”

    From October 23 to 24, 2009, when attended “Competition on Huashan Mountain: Summit Forum of Global Economic Recovery and China's Capital Market”, Rogers said, “As long as it is available, I would drink Changyu wine, andrecently I would like to drink Cabernet Sauvignon of Changyu Afip, andI feel it tastes wonderful.”

    On this summit forum, Rogers also received a special gift -the first bottle of wine filled after the maturity of the first barrel, which was launched in 2007 by Chateau Changyu Afip Global Beijing (master grade Cabernet Sauvignon dry red from Changyu Afip). After being informed that this was also the first en primeur in the history of wine in China, Rogers was very excited, “this wine is one of the best gift I have received in China, and I am eager to drink it, but it is so precious, so I decide to take it home.”

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