Sha Zukang

Date:2014-03-03 From: Print Font size:LargeMediumSmall

                        The United Nations collected Changyu wine, which representing the close relationship with the world expo for one hundred years

On October 26, 2010, Shanghai world expo UN pavilion launched the UN economic~~~ and ~~~social affairs week. On the opening ceremony, Long Yuxiang, executive chairman of the Chinese international culture communication center, sent a bottle of Changyu Pioneer cellar dry red wine to UN for collection,~~~ and ~~~Sha Zukang, the United Nations deputy secretary-general, accepted this special collection.

This bottle of Changyu Pioneer collection, with certificate number of 0019451024 (establishment date of the United Nations), is the first Chinese wine collected by UN. The wine has been sealed in No. 4 underground wine cellar of Changyu Pioneer for about ten years. Cellar wine of Changyu Pioneer, as China's collection level wine, can only be made in some good years, with rare quantity.

Long Yuxiang said, Changyu, as China's first wine enterprise, had been one of the cultural symbols of China to development~~~ and ~~~fusion~~~ and ~~~cultural exchange. More than one hundred years ago, Changyu introduced wine grape, brewing equipments,~~~ and ~~~winemaker talents from European,~~~ and ~~~built China's first underground wine cellar along the shore of Yantai, Shandong,~~~ and ~~~initiated the industrialization of Chinese wine brewing with foreign technology. After 118 years of development, today Changyu Company has become the fifth wine enterprise in the world,~~~ and ~~~its excellent products Changyu Cabernet have been exported to 28 countries worldwide. In the eyes of European~~~ and ~~~United States consumers, Changyu Cabernet wine bottle, with square design of “Changyu Pioneer”, not only represents unique Chinese wine flavor, but also serves as the messenger~~~ and ~~~symbol of the ancient Chinese culture.

Changyu Pioneer cellar wine collected by UN also carries the close relations between Chinese wine~~~ and ~~~the world expo. On San Francisco Expo in 1915, four products made from Changyu Pioneer underground cellar won four gold awards on the Expo, representing that Chinese wines got to the international stage for the first time. After 1995, the world expo began to be held in China, Shandong Pavilion displayed the gold medals of expo of Changyu,~~~ and ~~~millions of tourists tasted Changyu wine. It is reported that, China's international communication center also sent Changyu Pioneer cellar wine to Sha Zukang, the United Nations deputy secretary-general. Besides, Clinton, former US President, Yasuo Fukuda, former Japanese prime minister, “stock god” Warren Buffett, Jack Welch, “No. 1 CEO in the world”~~~ and ~~~other celebrities from political~~~ and ~~~business circles are the collectors of Changyu Pioneer cellar wine.