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Xinjiang Chateau Changyu Baron Balboa Dry Red Wine

●Small production area on the west bank of Manas River on the northern slope of Tianshan Mountain in Xinjiang with unique gobi gravel soil
●Wine of 13.5° can be produced in almost every year
●Count John U Salvi MW, the honorary president of the Chateau as well as a wine master in the world, has 56-year brewing experience

  • Grape varieties: Merlot & Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Alcohol content: 13.5%v/v
  • Color: Dark ruby red, clear and glossy
  • Bouquet: The full-bodied unique aroma contains the rich complex fragrance such as plum, blackcurrant, liquorice, black pepper and tropical fruit with oak fragrance of smudging, roasted nut, etc.
  • taste: The full-bodied dignified wine with strong structure, fine astringency and strength has durable aftertaste. The production area is uniquely typical.
  • Optimal Drinking Temperature: 16-18℃
  • Storage Period: Eight years
Produced in Vineyard Wine-making Process and Techniques Food Pairing

The central section at the northern foot of Tianshan Mountain and the south rim ofJunggar Basinis the“golden land”for theplanting of grapes as one of the high-quality wine production areas in China.

Climatic Features:

The garden is located in the inland arid area where the climate is dry, thetemperature difference between day and nightis big, the annual average temperature is 6.6℃, theannual active accumulated temperature (≥10℃)exceeds3300℃,the effective accumulated temperature in the grape growing season (from April to September) isover 2200℃, thedaily range of temperatureexceeds20℃,theannualsunshine duration isover 2800h, the frost-free season lasts for 160 days, the annul precipitation is190mm, and theproduction area divertssnowwater from theTianshan Mountainfor irrigation control.The sufficient sunshine,high accumulated temperatureandlarge temperature difference facilitate therapid accumulation of sugar andforming ofgrapepigment, making the grape berries have deep color, high sugar content and few diseases.

Soil Features:

The parent material of soil is mainly composed ofgravel and sandy soil with rich selenium and calcium. There is deep soil layer with goodair permeability, containing gravels and grains of sand.The soil belongs to brown desert soil,gray desert soiland moisture soil rich in calcium with appropriatepH value.

1) Grape Varieties:Merlot&Cabernet Sauvignon

2) Planting Year: 2004
3)Planting Features:
●The grapevines are planted by its own roots with spacing between rows of0.5m×3.5m, which adopts thetrellis-inclinedsingle-vine one-sidehorizontalclipping orinclined double-vine two-side U-shapedtrellis distribution forshort tip trim;
●The yieldis controlled to600kg per mu;
●The biological organic fertilizer is applied to increase the soil fertility and improve the microbial flora diversity of the root soil of the grapes;
●Irrigation is controlled by divertingsnowwater from theTianshan Mountainand laying droppers.
4) Grape Features:
●The highsugar contentexceeds 24°;
●Theberriesare dark purple, healthy, fresh, plump, evenly matured, well and uniformly colored with loose cluster and small fruit.

 (1)Only the fully matured grape berries are picked and selected manually. Classification and processing are conducted according to the Grape Varieties and the fruit quality;

(2) It is dipped in stainless steel tanks under temperature control for fermentation for30 days approximately;
(3) Standardization, datamation and informatization management is carried out during the whole product quality control process;
(4)It is aged inthreekinds offine grained oak barrelsfrom France, America and Eastern Europefor more than 12 months;

(5)With the style characteristics of Merlot wine taking the lead, it is made after blending into Cabernet Sauvignon for 6 months; and

6) Bottle storage period is 12 months.

 This wine is Optimal to be drunk at 16-18℃with such partners as roasted duck, steak, ham, sauted meat and mutton chop.