New Products of Chateau Changyu Moser XV Entered British Bibendum

Date:2016-09-27 From:中国新闻网 Print Font size:LargeMediumSmall, a bilingual website in both Chinese and English under the authoritative international wine medium Decanter headquartered in London, published the Decanter Reviews: Chateau Changyu Moser XV on September 24: “The latest vintages of Changyu’s wines were launched last week [w/c 12/9] in the UK available from Bibendum, Berry Bros & Rudd and Wine Rack.” These three wines are respectively Chateau Changyu Moser XV Dry Red Wine 2013, Moser Legend Cabernet Sauvignon Dry Red Wine 2015 (one of three basic wines) and Moser Family Cabernet Sauvignon Dry Red Wine 2013 (second wine of the chateau); and Decanter Reviews gave the following wine scores after rating: 89, 88 and 87. According to the scores,N these three dry red wines are all “recommended” vintage wines in the wine rating system of Decanter.