The Internationalization Strategy of Changyu Has Achieved Initial Success, and the Imported Wine Won Four Awards of RVF

Date:2016-10-28 From:中国新闻网 Print Font size:LargeMediumSmall

Lately, “RVF CHINA Imported Wine Award in 2016”, a heavyweight competition in the wine industry, which was jointly held by La Revuedu Vin de France (short for RVF), a famous wine magazine in the world, and, was announced. Many imported wines with complete intellectual property rights under Changyu stood out from the blind tasting selection and won four awards. From the big success in the RVF Imported Wine Competition to the recent release of the hot imported wine strategy in the Autumn Food & Drinks Fair held in Fuzhou, it both shows the determination of Changyu, a century-old company, to transform actively and stick to the development road of brand internationalization under the economic situation of “new normal”.