Changyu Summed up Twelve Big Events in 2016: Noble Dragon Greeted the 85th Anniversary

Date:2017-01-05 From:中国新闻网 Print Font size:LargeMediumSmall

On New Year’s Eve, Changyu Wine Wechat published Changyu Is Greeting the First Light of 2017 with You, which summed up twelve big events of Changyu Company in 2016, successively 1. Serial micro film of wine masters and Zenithwirl was released; 2. Changyu Noble Dragon greeted the 85th anniversary; 3. The “World Cabernet Gernischt Day” was launched in Hong Kong; 4. It was included in “Top Ten Best-selling Wine Brands” Ranking List; 5. Yantai Changyu International Wine City Production Center was put into operation; 6. “Grappie” opened the leisure drinking era; 7. It won the annual award in Bettane & Desseauve’s Guide to the Wines of France; 8. AFIP Wine was served in the state banquet of G20 Hangzhou Summit; 9. New products of Chateau Changyu Moser XV entered the UK; 10. Imported wines of Changyu won four awards of RVF; 11. Marques del Atrio was selected as the official designated wine for La Liga; 12. Changyu was the wine shop making the biggest sales amount at Tmall on “11.11”.