Column of The Scotsman Giving a Thumbs up for Noble Dragon of Changyu

Date:2017-05-08 From:中国新闻网 Print Font size:LargeMediumSmall

The Scotsman of England lately published Chinese Flavor, a column of Rose Murray Brown MW, to give a thumbs up for Noble Dragon Dry Red of Changyu entering Sainsbury’s, the second largest chain supermarket in England, for sale, and her tasting note described: “The aroma of black fruit reminds people of Bordeaux red wine first; however, the similarities are more than that. Light in your mouth, it is sweet and abundant mature fruit flavor at the beginning, while the aroma of cedar indicates that it undergoes aging in oak barrel. The mid-palate is the taste of green leaf with earthy smell, and the aftertaste is full of compact tannin. I find that this wine has impressive improvement in quality to become unexpectedly delicious since I visited Changyu in Yantai last time. It is definitely worth a try!”