Fongyee Walker MW Visiting Changyu Company

Date:2017-06-01 From:中国新闻网 Print Font size:LargeMediumSmall

Fongyee Walker MW, the first global resident master of wine in Chinese Mainland, recently visited Yantai Changyu Castel Chateau and Changyu Wine Culture Museum and carried out professional tasting. When being interviewed by Yantai media, Ms. Fongyee Walker expressed: “My impression is that Changyu stuck to high-end route and its wines were relatively expensive in the past. However, for ordinary consumers, it now begins to produce some wines more suitable for the young consumers. For example, although simple, Changyu Zenithwirl has a good taste. I believe that in fact, for the young beginner consumers, uncomplicated,N fruity and pleasant wines are good wines.” (Chen Zhuang)