Foreign Media Successively Paying Attention to Changyu’s Entering Chile

Date:2017-06-06 From:中国新闻网 Print Font size:LargeMediumSmall

Changyu Company lately announced to set up a joint venture, Indomita WineCompany Chile, SpA and acquire Bethwines of Besiya Group , Chile, which drew successive attention of the foreign media.

El Diario Estrategia, the most influential financial media of Chile, published China’s Changyu Company Acquiring 85% Stocks of Bethwines of Besiya Group with USD 41 Million on May 28, which stated that Bethwines of Besiya Group now had 4 wineries, respectively Indomita of Casablanca Valley, Santa Alicia of Maipo Valley, Porta of Itata Valley and Agustinos of Bio Bio Valley.

emol, a Spanish daily paper with the largest circulation in Chile, published Besiya Group Selling its Chateau Business to Chinese Wine Giant on May 30, which stated that the market value of Changyu was nearly 2.4 times that of Concha y Toro, the largest wine producer of Chile, and exceeded the sum of the market value of three largest listed wine enterprises of Chile, Concha y Toro, St Pedrode and Santa Rita. The statistics also showed that with a sale of 1.50 million cases of wines in 2016, Bethwines was the seventh largest wine producer of Chile.

Drinks Business of the UK published Changyu Acquiring 85% Stocks of Bethwines of Chile on June 5 on its website, which pointed out: “After acquiring two French chateaus and one Spanish chateau (note: two French chateaus refer to Roullet-Fransac acquired in 2013 and Chateau Mirefleurs acquired in 2015, and one Spanish chateau refers to Marques del Atrio, Rioja, Spain acquired in 2015) before, Changyu once again expands abroad to touch Chile, and the acquisition timing is exactly the time when China has become the largest overseas export market of Chilean wine.”