Foreign Media: Changyu Becoming an Important Wine Importer of China

Date:2017-06-13 From:中国新闻网 Print Font size:LargeMediumSmall

Drinks Business, an authoritative wine media in the world, recently selected “Top 10 Wine Importers in China” according to the statistics of China customs, and Changyu Company carrying out the business of importing wine with Changyu Pioneer Wine Company as the platform ranked 2nd. It commented: “Changyu is the largest wine producer in China as well as an important wine importer of China. This company imported 5.40 million liters of wine last year, which had an amazing growth compared with 1.70 million liters in 2015. This benefits from its merger and acquisition of overseas chateaus in France, Spain and Chile recently, and is also promoted by the demand of domestic consumers for imported wine.” (Chen Zhuang)