Changyu Golden Icewine Valley Shown in Tales from Modern China

Date:2017-07-04 From:中国新闻网 Print Font size:LargeMediumSmall

The second episode of Tales from Modern China III, a documentary recently synchronously broadcast by BBC World News and Jiangsu TV, told four stories in the Northeast China, including the Snow County in Mudanjiang, Chinese Dragon Bird Fossil, Icewine of Golden Icewine Valley and Heihe Cold Region Vehicle Testing Base. Thereinto, in the chapter of the Icewine of Golden Icewine Valley, the compere Jason Lai went to the grape base of Changyu Golden Icewine Valley beside Huanlonghu, Huanren County, Liaoning Province and experienced the fun of collecting ice grapes with farmers in the frozen and snow-covered vineyard. The commentary said: “It is warm in summer and cold in winter here, meeting the superexcellent conditions for making icewine. Under the perfect conditions, 1/3 icewine in the world comes from here at present. There are strict regulations for picking grapes. According to relevant international standards, the grapes should be picked at least at -8℃ and continue for 24h. In the process waiting for the pick, grapes may rot or be corroded by mould. To avoid this situation, people must make full preparations. Once the time is right, the picking process will be started. At daybreak, everything is ready. Now the temperature is -10℃. Let’s go……”(Chen Zhuang)