English Wine Critic Jamie Goode Giving 90 for Icewine of Changyu Golden Icewine Valley

Date:2017-09-26 From:中国新闻网 Print Font size:LargeMediumSmall

“Louis Roederer International Wine Writers’ Awards” 2017 was announced in London recently, famous English wine critic Jamie Goode had the honor to win the “International Wine Book of the Year” with his new book Science of Wine. This book was published by American University of California Press in 2016, explained the influence of sensory and psychological factors on tasting experience from the scientific perspective, involved psychology, physiology, neuroscience, linguistics and philosophy and focused on illustrating the conclusion through case analysis.

The tasting note published by Jamie Goode showed that he once tasted 2009 Gold Diamond Icewine of Liaoning Changyu Golden Icewine Valley, with the tasting time as September 19, 2013, the tasting place as the tasting room of British royal wine merchant BBR company and the mark as 90 (the full mark is 100). The tasting note wrote: “It smells the aroma of apple, muskmelon and apricot. The taste is sweet and fresh and accompanied by the flavor of apple and pear. The charming wine body is a bit spicy. It is mature and delicious.”(Chen Zhuang)