Three Postdoctors in the Postdoctoral Station of Changyu Company Have Successfully Completed Their Research and Left the Station

Date:2018-07-27 From: Print Font size:LargeMediumSmall

A defense and review meeting was recently held in the Postdoctoral Research Station of Yantai Changyu Group Co., Ltd. for the postdoctor Song Jianqiang. The experts of the defense committee who participated in the defense meeting were Professor Wang Jun from China Agricultural University, Professor Qu Heng from Shandong Agricultural University, Professor Zhao Xinjie from Qilu University of Technology and Researcher Jiang Xueling from Yantai Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Song Jianqiang’s defense report, titledEffects of Soil, Plant Growth and Acid Soil Improvement on the Quality ofCarbernet Gernischetand Wine,takes the Carbernet Gernischet of Changyu Penglai Daliuhang Grape Base as the research object, and elaborates the analysis which uses precision agricultural technology to analyze the spatial variabilities of soil, plant growth, grape fruit, wine indicators etc. in the base, and their interrelationships. It provides a basis for the divisional harvesting and management as well as the formulation of winemaking process of the vineyard.


It is introduced that the Postdoctoral Research Station of Changyu Company was approved by the National Ministry of Personnel in 2003. It is one of the important platforms for Changyu to cultivate high-level innovative talents on grape and wine and to improve Company’s scientific and technological innovation ability and product quality. Up to now, there have been three postdoctors in the Postdoctoral Research Station of Changyu Company successfully completing their research and leaving the Station. There are currently five postdoctors who are working or will come to work in the Station. Their research topics tackle key problems in science and technology which are closely related to the key points and difficult problems in the fields of viticulture, wine and brandy brewing and microbiology.


It is learned that Song Jianqiang entered the Postdoctoral Research Station of Changyu Company in 2015. His research directions include viticulture and vineyard management, focusing on soil analysis and vineyard divisional management. Since Song Jianqiang did his research in the Station, he went to and from Changyu Penglai Daliuhang Grape Base three or four times every month to conduct soil monitoring and soil improvement research,N collecting more than 400 soil samples. Song Jianqiang said: “I can guide the water and fertilizer management of the vineyard by analyzing soil indicators. I can also predict the quality of grape fruit and even predict the quality of wine by analyzing these indicators.”(Chen Zhuang)