Why does wine have health-care effect?

Date: 2014-01-21 From: 管理员 Print Font size: LargeMediumSmall

According to modern analysis, there are more than 600 ingredients in wine, mainly including sugar, organic acids, inorganic salts, nitrogen substances, polyphenols, vitamins and various amino acids. From the perspective of nutriology, wine itself is rich in nutritional ingredients, thus being an ideal nutritional potable spirit. In particular, some functional components in red wine have obvious health-care effect. For example, resveratrol and tannin in polyphenols possess multiple health-care effects, such as resisting atherosclerosis, coronary diease, ischemic heart disease and hyperlipidemia; possess obvious anti-oxidant, scavenging free radical and anti-aging effects; and have antiplatelet aggregation, antithrombosis, anti-cancer and tumor inhibition effects. According to a survey,Franceis the largest consumer of wine, consuming78Lper person annually. Meanwhile,Franceis also one of the countries enjoying the longest average life expectancies in the world. Though French are fond of food with high cholesterol, such as cheese, meat and goose liver, the number of people died of cardiovascular diseases is only half of that of the Americans and the English. Finally, scientists found the answer from red wine.