Brandy drinking method

Date: 2014-01-27 From: Print Font size: LargeMediumSmall

Brandy is a kind of liquor for drinking. After tasting and appreciating the color and luster and aroma of brandy, start to drink the fascinating fine wine.

Drinking brandy is quite an art and cannot be drunk in such a way as we toss off a brimming cup of iced beer when we are intolerably hot and thirsty in scorching summer, which can be said “reckless waste” of brandy.

Brandy can be drunk in various ways; it can be drunk as digestif or aperitif. Generally, brandy of different grades is drunk in different ways so as to achieve sounder appreciating effect.

water and hold the sniffer wall with hand when drinking to slightly warm the brandy with the temperature of palm and volatize the aroma of brandy. Only drinking while smelling can the marvel of brandy be genuinely enjoyed. After a sip of brandy, drinking a toothful of ice water can make the following sip of brandy more savory and mellow.

XO-grade brandy is a treasure and masterwork in liquor products owing to its longer period of brewing. The best drinking way for brandy is “pure drinking”, by which the beauty of it can be deeply appreciated.

“Blended drinking”: direct drinking of brandy with shorter storage years may cause tingling and spicy feeling of alcohol. At this moment, the brandy can be drunk blended with mineral water, or ice block or hot tea; such drinking method is called “blended drinking”. Blended drinking does not only dilute the alcohol and mitigate the harshness, but also hold the special flavor of brandy unchanged. Blended brandy serves as summer heat-relieving beverage in summer afternoons and the high-class drink for exquisite dinner party.

The following are several common brandy blending methods. Readers might do it personally.

Gingerale brandy: three ice blocks+ brandy+ proper gingerale

Orange brandy: three ice blocks+ one part of brandy+ two parts of fresh orange juice

Steamed brandy: three ice blocks+ two parts of brandy+ one part of lemon juice+ soda (in appropriate amount);

When it comes to the brewing process of brandy, the most important process of brandy after distilment is storage in oak barrel as mentioned above. The “storage” here refers to the brandy storage by consumers after purchase and before drinking.

Brandy should be stored for a period without leakage in a dark place under low temperature.

If you do not finish the brandy after opening, please put it in refrigerator with proper seal, the bandy can be stored for a relatively longer period in this way. Certainly, it is recommended to finish it within a shorter period after opening to achieve optimal drinking effect.