What is the exact difference between brandy and wine?

Date: 2014-01-21 From: 管理员 Print Font size: LargeMediumSmall

The main difference between brandy and wine is as follows:

1. Different wine type: wine is fermented wine, while brandy is distilled one.

2. Different production techniques:

Wine is brewed after grape fermentation and short period of ageing in oak barrel, while some wine does not need ageing in oak barrel. The alcohol content usually ranges from 8% to 15%.

After grape fermentation, original bandy is obtained by distilment and then after ageing in oak barrel, brandy is made. The ageing in oak barrel may take several years or even dozens of years. Alcohol content of brandy in general international practice lingers around 40%.

3. Different core values:

Core value of wine is mainly represented by grape raw material. Wines brewed by winemakers in different chateaus with grapes of different producing areas, varieties and vintage years have varied values.

Core value of brandy is mainly embodied by brewing techniques. Refined control of distilment way and process, selection of oak barrels and constant technique improvement on tiny changes of original brandy by winemakers during ageing contribute to the quality and value of brandy.