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Precious Idiosyncratic Lucid Ganoderma Wine

Wine is elaborately brewed by more than ten raw materials on the basis of Chinese traditional healthcare theory with traditional technologies using Changyu Company’s centurial brewing experience. This wine is brownish red with mellow bouquet, gentle and palatable taste, durable aftertaste and unique flavor, which has rich essential amino acid and microelements necessary for human bodies. Appropriate drinking may strengthen the organic immunity, resist oxidation, and have an effect on delaying senescence.

  • The main raw material: Ganoderma, polygonum multiflorum, cinnamon, radix angelicae, poria cocos, nutmeg, garter snake, tortoise plastron, angelica, clove and orange peel
  • Alcohol content: 35%vol
  • Color: Brownish red
  • taste: Full-bodied bouquet, gentle and palatable taste, durable aftertaste and unique flavor
  • Shelf Life: 36 months
  • Health functions: Immune adjustment, antioxidation and delaying senescence functions