Whole-bottle Order Private Collection of Treasure

Changyu has vigorously dedicated to meeting your personalized demands. Such services as grape varieties from different chateaus, favorite flavors, personalized packages and delivery places are all for your option. Wine labels, wooden cases and paper bags for each bottle of vintage wine can be printed with such personalized markings as LOGO, signature or photos according to your preference. You can enjoy your ordered wine within one month from the date of order. All these intimate and pleasant services are for one purpose---satisfy all your personalized demands to your greatest content.

Phone: - 0535-6632087 400-6129-829

Custom protocol to download

Changyu Online Ordering and personalized custom protocol

The two sides through friendly consultation, Party B product ordering matters, have agreed as follows:

A Party Order Party Product Details

1 Online Ordering Products (300 bottles / barrel from the set):

Products Species Order Unit Specifications: ml bottle * box * Price (RMB / barrel) Quantity (barrels) Amount (million)
Castel Series Online Ordering type Changyu Gernischt selected class red wine (13001) Barrel 750*6*50 10.8
Online Ordering type Changyu Chardonnay selected class dry white wine (13002) Barrel 750*6*50 10.8
Changyu Cabernet Series Online Ordering type Changyu Cabernet Sauvignon collection level wine (13004) Barrel 750*6*50 5.04
Online Ordering type Select level Changyu Cabernet Sauvignon Nat wine (13005) Barrel 750*6*50 2.94
Beijing AFIP series Online Ordering type master Zhang Yu Aifei Castle Winery Cabernet Sauvignon (09702) Barrel 750*6*50 21.6
Online Ordering type Chateau Changyu-Afip collection level Cabernet Sauvignon (09700) Barrel 750*6*50 13.8
Online Ordering type Chateau Changyu-Afip collection level Chardonnay white wine (09703) Barrel 750*6*50 13.8
Total AmountCapital (yuan)Nil Lowercase (yuan)0

The agreement referred to in the "bucket" is the number of units per barrel fold 225L, should demand the production of filling a bottle Party. The above price does not include oak, oak To order, according to 9000 yuan / execution.

2, Changyu Golden Valley Ice Ice personalized custom wine series (120 bottles from the set):

Product varieties Specifications: ml bottle * box * Price (RMB / 120 bottles) Price (yuan / bottle) Quantity (boxes) Amount (million)
Personalized Gold Diamond level Changyu wine, ice wine ice (08701) 500*6*20 2.58 215
Personalized Blue Diamond Gold Ice Changyu wine ice wine (08702) 500*6*20 4.80 400
Personalized Gold Black Diamond Ice Changyu wine ice wine (08703) 500*6*20 9.60 800
Total AmountCapital (yuan)Nil Lowercase (yuan)0

3 Changyu XO brandy can be elegant personalized custom series:

Product varieties Size (cc * bottle * box) Selling price (million)/th> Price (yuan / bottle) Quantity (boxes) Amount (million)
Personalized Changyu can ya xo brandy 20 boxes (01701) 700*6*20 11.28 940
Personalized Changyu can ya xo brandy 50 cases (01700) 700*6*20 28.2 940
Total AmountCapital (yuan)Nil Lowercase (yuan)0

Second, the quality of the product

1, B commitment to provide quality products in line with national quality standards and specifications and when the two sides signed the agreement, the same packaging.

2, due to Party B to provide products using direct sales business model, and for the Party personalized custom, so without a bar code on the product labeling provided by Party B, the product should not be commercial in circulation in the market.

3, Party must also examine the quantity and quality of the goods when receiving the goods. If B offers products do have quality problems, the Party shall be made in writing within 7 days, Party B is responsible for providing replacement; For broken during transport, defaced or send the wrong product, the Party shall be in writing and B the distribution of the documents indicate, after confirmation Party shall provide free products or compensation for the original price within 20 days. Exceeds the above limit, B irresponsible.

4, Party after receiving the goods, because the party store product quality problems caused by mismanagement, Party responsible for themselves.

Third, packaging and personalized demand for commodities

1, B product packaging should comply with safety and health regulations of the state and industry conditions and requirements of the agreement.

2, B offer Online Ordering and personalized custom products come with labels, carton, paper and carton personalized logo, which: sparkling wine for top cartons, aluminum metal labels, personalized labels can not technology; collection level as Cabernet carton; selected class Cabernet free carton and paper bags.

3, in order to maintain the Party's brand image in the Party requires personalized packaging, paper, carton, bottle and a bottle labeled standard elements, the English name, pattern, etc. can not be changed, only in the designated area B Party label design personalized design elements, including the signature, LOGO, photographs and other color or black and white patterns.

4, Party personalized design elements must be from the date of signing of the agreement two days in the offer, after B design provides 1 days and a written reply, otherwise the consequences due to the individual design elements that are not party to provide timely or failure to reply in writing to confirm and caused borne by the Party. 4, Party personalized design elements must be from the date of signing of the agreement two days in the offer, after B design provides 1 days and a written reply, otherwise the consequences due to the individual design elements that are not party to provide timely or failure to reply in writing to confirm and caused borne by the Party.

5, personalized packaging renderings B provides a slight color difference with the actual printing effect to the actual printing prevail.

Four, time, manner and place

1, B effective upon receipt of remittance data by fax within 25 days (Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai and other remote areas need 30 days), free delivery of products in mainland China any location.

2, Party on the required delivery time, quantity and place of delivery for the delivery:
Consignee: Phone: Fax:
Phone: E-mail: Zip Code:

3, in order to maintain the Party's brand image in the Party requires personalized packaging, paper, carton, bottle and a bottle labeled standard elements, the English name, pattern, etc. can not be changed, only in the designated area B Party label design personalized design elements, including the signature, LOGO, photographs and other color or black and white patterns.

4, in accordance with the requirements of Party B signed a contract products that can provide the storage period of three years in accordance with the requirements of the Party process, including: two storage barrels, bottles stored one year of service, the Party will need to set the storage period products of all finished within two to three times.

Fifth, the settlement and payment of bills

1, due to the need to invest a lot of material B personalize production, after the implementation of this agreement the first shipment system. The two sides signed an agreement, the employer shall from the date of signing of the agreement will be paid within three days of importing Party account, Party B receives faxes and remittance data by the Finance after the confirmation of the start of production. If the delayed remittance Party, the Party of delivery postponed.

2, B finance department confirmed payment arrive later, according to the contract issue VAT invoices and invoices to ensure that its true and lawful otherwise be liable. Party B requires open, according to invoices category (① ordinary VAT invoices, ② VAT invoice). If the owner required to issue VAT invoices must be provided in writing the appropriate billing information (including customer name, address, phone, Bank and account number, tax ID).

Sixth, the change of the agreement, released

1, the agreement signed by both parties, that have the force of law, the parties shall not be changed or abolished.

2, written consent by Party B, Party can before entering the Order Party "green channel" order processing system, notify Party B in writing change orders.

3, with the written consent of Party B, Party A may terminate the order, but the resulting losses to the Party brought borne by the Party.

4, the occurrence of a force majeure event, all of the obligations resulting in the Subscription Agreement are not fulfilled, the parties may negotiate changes to the agreement to bear the loss.

5, the two sides by consensus, can be another sign the agreement as a supplement to this Agreement, this Agreement has the same legal effect.

Seven, and breach of contract dispute resolution

1, during the performance of this Agreement, such dispute, the two sides negotiated settlement; negotiation fails, the parties can sue to Party domicile People's Court.

2, the parties do not fulfill the agreement or substandard performance of the contract, shall be liable for breach of contract. Since the breach caused by the other party's losses, it should give each other the appropriate compensation.

Eight, the entry into force

This Agreement in duplicate, with each holding one; effective from the date of signing.


People contract:

Signing Date:


Party issuing VAT invoices required to provide information:



Taxpayer Identification Number:


Account number:


B: Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Sales Co., great customer service offices

Contract signed by:

Signing Date:


Remittance information

Name: Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Sales Co., great customer service offices

Address: Main Road, Yantai City 56

Taxpayer Identification Number: 370,602,071,310,532

Bank: ICBC Yantai Branch

Account Number: 1,606,020,509,022,630,672

Tel: 0535 -6633679
