Changyu to Attend ProWein

Date:2016-03-01 From:中国新闻网 Print Font size:LargeMediumSmall

ProWein 2016 will be held in Dusseldorf Exhibition Centre, Germany from March 13 to March 15. According to the official statistics of ProWein, this fair will attract more than 6,000 exhibitors from 57 countries.

Changyu Company, the biggest wine and brandy manufacturer in China, will attend ProWein again, which is the first time to debut on the international stage as an international wine supplier after purchasing Marques del Atrio from Rioja, Spain in September and Chateau Mirefleurs (holding two brands of Chateau Mirefleurs and Chateau Techeney) in Bordeaux, France in November of last year. As introduced, Changyu will both focus on showing the key products of its domestic chateaus and overseas chateaus, but also the marketing system of Changyu Pioneer International Chateau Alliance. At present, the insiders having made an appointment with Changyu for negotiations at Changyu’s booth come from many countries such as Germany, Britain, France, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Ireland, Russia and Spain.