Kilikanoon Wines Won Platinum Medal in DWWA

Date:2018-06-11 From: Print Font size:LargeMediumSmall

The evaluation result of 2018 Decanter World Wine Awards (DWWA) sponsored by Decanter, famous British wine media was announced lately, a total of 9 wines of Kilikanoon Wines of Changyu Company scored over 90 points, in which 2014 Shiraz Red Wine of Oracle Series won Platinum Medal with a score of 97 points, 2013 “1865 Vieilles Vignes” Shiraz Red Wine of Attunga Vineyard won Gold Medal with a score of 96 points and 2017 Watervale Riesling White Wine of Mort’s Cut Series won Gold Medal with a score of 95 points.

Located in Clare Valley, South Australia,Kilikanoon Wines was acquired by Changyu Company, a Chinese wine giant, with AUD 20.605 Million last year. In 2013 Australian WineCompanion written by James Halliday, famous Australian wine critic, Kilikanoon Wines was awarded “Australian Winery of the Year” and was promoted to be “double red five-star wineries”. Robert Parker, famous American wine critic, once evaluated Kilikanoon Wines: “This is one of the most brilliant chateaux in Australia. Because of the admirable talent of the winemaker Kevin Mitchell, the overall quality of all wines of this chateau makes an impression.”

It is learned that a total of 275 judges from 33 countries were invited for the jury of 2018 DWWA, including 59 MWs and 25 MSs. The jury commented 2014 Shiraz Red Wine of Oracle Series of Kilikanoon Wines: “It is rich and ripe with strong aroma of cherry, mild spice, toast, dried blueberry and bush. It has rich flavor of dark berry and the taste of Mocha Coffee. It has exquisite tannin and wonderful aftertaste.”

The statistical data showed that a total of 16903 wines from 61 countries participated in the evaluation in 2018 DWWA, in which, 8 Chinese wines won gold medals,N including 2015 Blue Diamond Icewine from Liaoning Changyu Golden Icewine Valley. (Chen Zhuang)