How is Changyu icewine graded?

Date: 2014-01-22 From: Print Font size: LargeMediumSmall

Taking Vidal, a fine variety growing on the lake side of Huanlong Lake, Liaoning Province as the raw material, Liaoning Changyu Golden Icewine Valley is elaborately brewed after freezing, picking and squeezing at the climatic condition of -8℃under low-temperature sugar preservationandfermentation. Icewine can be divided into three levels of black diamond, blue diamond and golden diamond according to the quality. The black diamond icewine is producedthrough the fermentation by thenormal juice in the first squeezing process of frozen grapes, which only accounts for 5% of the icewine output; the blue diamond icewine is producedthrough the fermentation by thenormal juice in the second squeezing process of frozen grapes, which only accounts for 20% of the icewine output; and the golden diamond, a kind of wine with the largest outputin icewine,is producedby thenormal juice in the third squeezing process of frozen grapes, which accounts for 75% of the icewine output.