Xinjiang Tianshan Mountain areas

Since ancient times, Xinjiang has been high quality grape producing area in China. Changyu Xinjiang base is located in the middle of northern foot of Tianshan Mountain, south to Junggar Basin, and is a “golden belt” for grape growth.

Xinjiang Base belongs to temperate continental arid climate, with dry climate and long sunshine time. The annual sunlight hours are more than 2700 hours, and there is large temperature difference between day and night, which is more than 20℃. This is irrigated farming area with scarce rainfall, and annual rainfall mainly concentrated in the winter, so gravity irrigation is needed from Tianshan snow water.The parent material of soil are mainly gravel and sand soil, which is rich in selenium element and calcium, with deep soil layer, good permeability, and appropriate pH value.These unique climate characteristics, endow the Xinjiang grape less diseases and pests, Pollution-free, high sugar, darker color, rich flavor and other characteristics.

The main grape varieties in the vineyard are: merlot, cabernet sauvignon, Italian Riesling, Chardonnay, Riesling, etc. They are mainly distributed in Shihezi, Wujiaqu, Changji, etc. The white wine produced here features rich aroma of typical tropical fruit aroma, such as lemon, mango, melons, peaches, etc. The red wine produced here has complex aromas of plum, blackcurrant, pepper, etc, which is full-bodied, with strong structure.