Zhou Enlai

Date:2014-03-03 From: Print Font size:LargeMediumSmall

Premier Zhou's “brandy diplomacy”

    In October 1954, Premier Zhou Enlai led Chinese delegation to participate in the meeting in Geneva. During the meeting, Premier Zhou offered Changyu Specialfine Boulard and Guizhou Moutai for delegates of all countries attending the meeting. Changyu Specialfine Boulard features the taste of full-bodied aroma of foreign wine, as well as the spirit characteristic of Chinese liquor, so it was regarded as the combination of foreign and Chinese wine making technology. The deep meaning of Premier Zhou was understood tacitly by delegates of all countries. Changyu Specialfine Boulard received high praise from International Tittle-tattle, the publication of the association, believing that it can represent the development of science and culture of the People's Republic of China. Premier Zhou’s deeds directly lead to the great mass fervour of the export of Changyu products since the foundation of new China. After successfully accomplishing the mission of “brandy diplomacy” in Geneva, Changyu Specialfine Boulard was paid more attention by Premier Zhou. At the end of 1955, Premier Zhou initiated the use of Specialfine Boulard in grand state banquet, and soon, Premier Zhou agreed to allocate RMB 650,000 for Changyu Company as special funds for improving quality of famous wine, which has laid a solid foundation for Changyu to realize the qualitative leap of wine quality.

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