Changyu Brandy: Three Steps of Watching, Smelling & Tasting

Date: 2014-01-21 From: 管理员 Print Font size: LargeMediumSmall

    The brandy appreciation is divided into three steps, firstly, watch its color; secondly, smell its aroma; and thirdly, taste its flavor.

1.Watch its color

Raise the grass towards the appropriate light source to check the clearness and color of brandy.

The high-quality brandy should be crystal clear and the dominant color shall be the noble golden, no matter it has dark or lightclusterand no matter how agedthecolor is.

2.Smell its aroma

Because of rich content of brandy, it is quite different from other wines as for the smelling of aroma,includingthree parts:

The first part, smell it quietly. Holdtheglass and put it close to the nose slowly rather than shake the glass. Then move it from the left to the right slowly to catch the diversity and structure of brandy aroma. This is the pre-aroma of brandy; the second part, make your nose into the glass to clearly feel the mellow fruity fragrance,floweryfragrance, ageing fragrance. This is the mid-aroma of brandy; and the third part,slightlyshake the glass in hand to smell the unique mellowness and more ageing fragrance. This is the after-aroma of brandy.

3.Taste its flavor

Drink a little brandy of 2-3ml usually, disperse it naturally in the mouth, and then you can taste the full-bodied bouquet and characteristics of brandy…